Regulatory Filings

10 Oct 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Sep 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Sep 2024 Change of Address/Phone Number/Fax/E-Mail/Website/Tax Identification Number (NPWP)/Taxable Enterprise Number (NPKP)
09 Aug 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
30 Jul 2024 Unaudited Interim Financial Statement Q2-2024
19 Jul 2024 Results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
08 Jul 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Jul 2024 Postponement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
04 Jul 2024 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
02 Jul 2024 Disclosure: Information concerning Postponement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on 27 June 2024
01 Jul 2024 Response to IDX Queries: Clarification concerning Trading Activity
01 Jul 2024 Results of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
07 Jun 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Jun 2024 Invitation to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
30 May 2024 Annual Report 2023 and Sustainability Report 2023
21 May 2024 Announcement of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
07 May 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
29 Apr 2024 Unaudited Interim Financial Statement Q1-2024
17 Apr 2024 Annual Financial Statement FY2023 (CORRECTION)
16 Apr 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
02 Apr 2024 Change/Appointment of Public Accounting Firm and/or Public Accountant
30 Mar 2024 Annual Financial Statement FY2023
30 Mar 2024 Annual Financial Statement FY2023
22 Mar 2024 Change/Appointment of Public Accounting Firm and/or Public Accountant
06 Mar 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
06 Feb 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
16 Jan 2024 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register