Regulatory Filings

30 Dec 2021 Announcement of the Annual Public Expose
28 Dec 2021 Change/Appointment of Public Accounting Firm and/or Public Accountant
27 Dec 2021 Changes in Shareholdings Held by Directors/Commissioners/Substantial Shareholders
07 Dec 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
24 Nov 2021 Unaudited Interim Financial Statement Q3-2021
16 Nov 2021 Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
05 Nov 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Nov 2021 Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
01 Nov 2021 Results of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
21 Oct 2021 Changes in Shareholdings Held by Directors/Commissioners/Substantial Shareholders
07 Oct 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
07 Oct 2021 Invitation to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
27 Sep 2021 Changes in Shareholdings Held by Directors/Commissioners/Substantial Shareholders
22 Sep 2021 Announcement of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
16 Sep 2021 Results of the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
08 Sep 2021 Invitation to the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
07 Sep 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
31 Aug 2021 Results of the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
31 Aug 2021 Unaudited Interim Financial Statement Q2-2021
25 Aug 2021 Revised Invitation to the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
05 Aug 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
03 Aug 2021 Invitation to the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
30 Jul 2021 Unaudited Interim Financial Statement Q1-2021
29 Jul 2021 Annual Report 2020
28 Jul 2021 Print Advertisement of the Annual Financial Statement FY2020
27 Jul 2021 Annual Financial Statement FY2020
19 Jul 2021 Announcement of the Annual and Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
09 Jul 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
08 Jul 2021 Change of Corporate Secretary
07 Jul 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
10 Jun 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
10 Jun 2021 Disclosure: Change in Control or Management: Appointment/Cessation of Director/Commissioner
10 May 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
08 Apr 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
08 Mar 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
08 Feb 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
02 Feb 2021 Changes in Shareholdings Held by Directors/Commissioners/Substantial Shareholders
09 Jan 2021 Monthly Report on Shareholder Register
05 Jan 2021 Disclosure: Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with PT Waskita Karya Tbk.
05 Jan 2021 Change/Appointment of Public Accounting Firm and/or Public Accountant