Board of Commissioners

Ngurah Adnyana
President Commissioner
Indonesian citizens, 67 years. Domiciled in Jakarta.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1981 and received a Master of Electric Power Distribution Management from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS), in 2001.
Work Experience
Mr. Adnyana has 32 years of experience working at PT PLN (Persero), and once held the position of Director of Operations for Java-Bali-Sumatra PT PLN (Persero).
Mr. Adnyana began serving as President Commissioner of PT Terregra Asia Energy Tbk from 2017 until now.
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1981 and received a Master of Electric Power Distribution Management from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS), in 2001.
Work Experience
Mr. Adnyana has 32 years of experience working at PT PLN (Persero), and once held the position of Director of Operations for Java-Bali-Sumatra PT PLN (Persero).
Mr. Adnyana began serving as President Commissioner of PT Terregra Asia Energy Tbk from 2017 until now.
- President Commissioner of PT Indonesia Power (2010-Sept 2016);
- Commissioner of PT Wisma Tara Elektrika, Director of Java Bali Sumatra Operations PT PLN (Persero) (2009-2014);
- Deputy Director of Distribution PT PLN (Persero) (2007-2009);
- General Manager Bali Distribution PT PLN (Persero) (2000-2007);
- Field Manager for Region IX Maluku, Region VI South, Central and East Kalimantan;
- East Java Distribution PT PLN (Persero) (1991-2000);
- Head of Bekasi Branch PT PLN (Persero) (1986-1990).

Roy Petrus Chalim
Indonesian citizens, 64 years. Domiciled in Jakarta.
Bachelor of Economics from The Faculty of Economics, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in 1986.
Work Experience
He has 37 years of experience in business including successful electrical operation and maintenance management. Commissioner of the Company since 2017.
Bachelor of Economics from The Faculty of Economics, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in 1986.
Work Experience
He has 37 years of experience in business including successful electrical operation and maintenance management. Commissioner of the Company since 2017.
- Commissioner of PT Mitra Megatama Perkasa (1995-present),
- Director CV Jaya Wijaya (1991-present),
- Commissioner of PT Inter Sumitama Dewata (1980 - 1997).

Supandi Widi Siswanto
Independent Commissioner
Indonesian citizens, 64 years. Domiciled in Jakarta.
Bachelor of Economics from The Faculty of Management, Prof. Dr. Moestopo University Jakarta in 1992.
Work Experience
Experienced in the Indonesian Capital Market, and has joined the company as an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2017-present.
Bachelor of Economics from The Faculty of Management, Prof. Dr. Moestopo University Jakarta in 1992.
Work Experience
Experienced in the Indonesian Capital Market, and has joined the company as an Independent Commissioner of the Company since 2017-present.
- Independent Commissioner of PT Forza Land Indonesia Tbk (2016-present);
- Independent Commissioner of PT SMR Utama Tbk (2013-present);
- President Commissioner of PT Pan Brothers Tex Tbk (2013-present);
- Commissioner of PT Andira Agro (2013 -sekarang);
- Commissioner of PT Boss Olah Sarana Tbk;
- President Commissioner of PT Garuda Investindo (2013-present);
- Commissioner of PT Intensive Medicare 177 (2013- present);
- President Commissioner of PT Sitara Propertindo Tbk (2013-June 2016);
- Director of Finance and Human Resources of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (July 2009-June 2012);
- Manager of the Listing Division of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (PT IDX) (1992-June 2009);
- Head of Issuer Evaluation Division/Listing Division of PT JSX (1992-June 2009);
- Head of Trading Division of PT IDX (1992-June 2009);
- Head of Trade Supervision Division of PT IDX (1992-June 2009);
- Corporate Assessment Bureau - Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency (1983-1992);
- PT Pertani (Persero) Jakarta (1982-1992);
- PT Batik Keris, Surakarta (1981-1982);
- PT Dharma Niaga (Persero). Jakarta (1979-1980).