Press Release

Terregra Asia Energy forms strategic partnership with Mitsui and Yonden
Indonesia, 28 February 2019 - PT. Terregra Asia Energy Tbk. ("Terregra") announced today that it has formed a strategic partnership with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. ("Mitsui") and Shikoku Electric Power Co., Inc. ("Yonden"). The three companies through its subsidiaries, executed a Sale and Purchase Agreement ("S&P Agreement") on 14 February 2019 in Tokyo

Terregra moves forward with Moyhall Solar Farm
Terregra Renewables plans to start constructing its 5MW Moyhall Solar Farm within weeks and expand its growing pipeline of utility-scale solar projects in South Australia. The Moyhall Solar Farm is located on unused land approximately 7km south of Naracoorte. Terregra Renewables received planning approval for the project in August 2018 and now expects to commence site construction work in March 2019.

Melantai Perdana, Saham Terregra Asia Energi Naik 70 Persen
PT Terregra Asia Energy Tbk resmi menjadi emiten ke-8 yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) pada tahun ini. Saham Terregra Asia Energy tercatat di papan utama dengan kode saham TGRA. Pada debut perdana, saham TGRA ditransaksikan dengan harga Rp 340 per saham atau naik 70 persen atau Rp 140 per saham dari harga yang ditawarkan ke publik yakni Rp 200. Saham TGRA sempat berada pada level tertinggi Rp 340 dan terendah Rp 260.

Terregra Asia becomes first renewable energy company to list on IDX
PT Terregra Asia Energy will become the first renewable energy company company that will list its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). The company sets the offering price of Rp 200-330 per share and aims to raise up to Rp198 billion from the initial public offering (IPO). Terregra will issue a total of 600 million new shares, or approximately 21.43 percent of the total paid up capital. The company has appointed Lautandhana Securindo to underwrite (lead underwriter) the IPO.

Renewable firm Terregra Asia Energy to float shares on IDX
PT Terregra Asia Energy, which engages in renewable energy business, is planning to launch initial public offering (IPO) in second quarter this year, aiming at raising fresh funds to fund its solar and mini-hydro power plants on Sumatera Island. Corporate Secretary of Terregra Christin Soewito after held mini expose at the IDX said, the company plans to list its shares on May 8, with funds raising target of up to Rp200 billion.